CO2 Laser Cutting & Engraving Systems PAGE 10
Co2 Laser Cutting Engraving Systems
System sizes from 2’X2’ to 7’X12’ & Larger
Sturdy design, precision motion systems, high-quality, long-lasting laser sources, and vision systems make our line of machines second to none when it comes to selecting a reliable, accurate, low-maintenance Class 1 (enclosed) or Class 4 industrial laser cutting system. These machines are available in a range of standard sizes and laser powers to suit almost any application.

Multi-axis Capable CO2 Laser Systems
Laser Americas offers large Class I & IV systems with 5-axis cutting capabilities. Cut 1” thick acrylic with smooth glass beveled edges, a unique offering from Laser Americas. Systems can go up to 5’X10’ and larger.

CO2 Cutting & Engraving Systems
Laser Americas has a full line of CO2 laser cutting and engraving systems with sizes ranging from 2’X2’ up to 7’X12’. With easy-to-use software, even an operator new to lasers can master it in hours. These systems cover a wide range of budgets as well, from entry-level to very large systems.

CO2 Cutting & Engraving Systems
Laser Americas has an additional line of CO2 laser cutting and etching systems. System sizes range from 14” X20” up to 55” X98. It has several models to choose from, and it can cut organics and some metals and etch some metals for added versatility.

CO2 Cutting & Engraving Systems
Our lower-cost systems have an abundance of features normally found on much more expensive systems. Numerous configurations include hybrid systems that cut and etch both with separate CO2 tubes and hybrid systems with CO2 and fiber, available.

CO2 Cutting & Engraving Systems
Laser Americas provides a family of CO2 systems with large formats and low prices. With up to 300W of cutting power, our systems can handle almost any application. With cutting areas of up to 4’X8” and high-speed motion, even complex projects can be completed in minutes.