Handheld Welding Systems PAGE 17
Portable Laser Welding Systems

Class IV Laser Welding Portable Systems
You don't need to know anything about laser welding in order to use the LightWELD. We have developed preset welding conditions that you select from a welding mode chart - select the material type - thickness - and type of weld - fusion-wire-tack/spot weld, and there is a two-digit alphanumeric code you put into the LightWELD. That sets the power, duty, gas timing, wobble width, and wobble frequency. Set the speed on the wire feeder, and you’re ready to weld. The process is easy to learn.
Unlike conventional welding, the LightWELD welds with photons of light, not electricity. The process there is an 85% reduction in heat input compared to conventional welding - little distortion - no spatter to clean up - no beveling needed for full penetration welds - and generally, you don't need to do any pre-cleaning before welding.
They are made in the USA in Oxford, MA. and covered with a 12-month, no-hour limit warranty. It’s rated at 100% duty cycle. Power-wise, you will need 220 V - 1 phase - 24 amp is the max draw, so a 30 amp breaker works.

Handheld Welding Systems
State-of-the-art handheld fiber laser systems. Surprisingly affordable.